Day 05 | 100 Days of Coffee
We’re in the process of creating signature drinks for our menu! This photo shoot shows us using the Tricolate to make espresso (over a top secret concoction).
We’ve been building this drink and getting the recipe just right, before adding espresso to it. Once we taste it with espresso, we can modify the drink from that point on.
Having a way to brew manual espresso can save many shots down the drain for dialing in your shot times, and you don’t have to wait for an espresso machine to heat up and spend time cleaning after!
We used a 2.5:1 ratio with an espresso grind for this tricolate. After it finished around 5 minuts, we added another 0.5:1 amount of water to make this shot a bit more extracted at a 3:1 ratio. This got us in the ballpark for knowing how coffee will blend with the drink. It took the delicate fruity and complex acidic flavors away and made a super buttery latte. It was delicious! But not what we were wanting. Also, this was used with our Week 1 coffee instead of our Lemony Ethiopian we’ll actually be using for this espresso, though these are fairly similar in profile.
So back to modifying the initial recipe! A few more drink versions and then we’ll use the espresso machine to make sure it’s just right!