Day 04 | 100 Days of Coffee
Here is a video of the Tricolate brewer in action. I am grinding astonishingly about 50% finer than I normally would for V60. I was hoping the brew time would land around 6 minutes, but it ended around 4:45 (extra 15 seconds because i forgot to start the timer). Because of this, the coffee tastes slightly weak, some citrus flavors and a little bit of lemongrass tastes come through. A few minuets in i’m getting a lot of sweet, darker fruits, and that grassy taste has gone away. As it cools even more it’s very sweet, similar to caramel. Some dryness is preset too.
The hardest thing about brewing with this is having a flat bed. As you can see at the end, the coffee bed isn’t even, with a few high and low spots. This means I will have more under and over extraction from those spots, resulting in a less balanced cup. More acidity, more bitterness. It was still a very tasty cup.
I was able to get longer brew times with coarser settings previously, so this is strange that this brew time ended faster. I suspect it may have to do with the uneven coffee bed, creating channels for water to quickly flow through.
Keep in mind this is a fairly low elevation/low density coffee, so of course it will drain quicker than say something from 1,800masl.